FERN HODGES - Site Memorial Online

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87 years
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Árvore Genealógica
História de vida
Outubro 15, 2006

This memorial website was created in the memory of our loved one, Jessie FERN Hodges who was born in Arkansas on December 15, 1918 and passed away on October 15, 2006 at the age of 87. We will remember her forever.

 She was a woman that loved her family very much. She nursed her husband Garfield Hodges after he suffered several debilitating diseases and illnesses that eventually lead to his death years ago. When her son Garfield Jr. developed Lou Gehrig’s disease, it wasn't too long after that she stepped up and took care of him as well. He passed away several years ago leaving daughter, Eugenia and Fern the only two of the small clan left. Eugenia made every effort to spend time with Fern and even moved back to Booneville to watch over her as Fern's health seem to fluctuate.

Fern was a woman of God. She loved attending church and she was also a politically supportive woman as well. She volunteered with the Clinton campaign and she also supported the muscular dystrophy fund raising efforts as well. What Fern believed in, Fern was never afraid to tell you what she thought and why. She had a contagious laugh that rings true today when I recall some of those moments gathered in her kitchen shooting the breeze and catching up on all the things we missed by our living so far away. I enjoyed those holidays spent together. Thanksgiving is the one holiday that we spent the most time gathered as a family so it remains in my heart forever as the HODGE'S Holiday

I hope and encourage you all to add your two cents here for the sake of Mama Fern's memory. Share your memories and pictures with those who loved Mama Fern and are thankful for all she did to help. The times she helped her elderly friends, who were not able to drive themselves, drive them to their doctor's appointments and run their errands. The money she loaned out to others in their time of need while disregarding her own, often never to be repaid even though she was promised. The time she spent nursing and serving the one's she cherished so much. The causes that she was passionate about and actually did something to help instead of hindering or whining about them. She was a woman of action and she will forever remain a rock of strength in my heart. When times are tough, others have been there that survived and stayed pro-active. While Mama Fern is not an exception to tough times, she is most definitely exceptional in spirit! 

Always remember Fern, and as you do, be sure to cherish those around you whom you love. It is inevitable that they too shall flee their own earthly states for that of the loving arms of our Savior.  One day we all will need the comfort and the relief from our earthly plights. We can only hope and pray that our lives will be remembered for the beauty we contribute and not for what could or should have been. Thank you God for blessing my life with the love of my grandmother. Thank you Lord for allowing her the ability to do all she did for others. Thank you for allowing her the mobility to get around even in her elderly state. She was a sharp cookie and I hope that when my time comes, I too shall have such blessings. Thank you, thank you. In the name of sweet Jesus, Amen.